
NPnuclear power
NPPnuclear power plant
VVERwater-water power reactor
WPSwind power stations
WPPwind power plants
GPIgas and petrochemical industry
SDPOstate defense procurement order
SDPPstate district power plant
MCPmain circulating pump
MCPUmain circulating pump unit
MCPmain circulating pipeline
HPPhydro power plant
SASCsubsidiaries, affiliates and supervised companies
CSCcapacity supply contract
CACcentral arbitration committee
CEIP comprehensive efficiency improvement program
KPIkey performance indicators
CScompressor station
IRMSintegrated risk management system
ORoil refinery
RCoil refinery company
LTVlow temperature vortex
SNFspent nuclear fuel
CCGTPcombined cycle gas turbine plant
IPAinnovative activities program
RPSRosatom production system
IPintellectual property
RUreactor plant
LCFR fast neutron lead-bismuth reactor
RUMCSreactor unit monitoring and control system
QMSquality management system
JV joint venture
AFCFadjusted free cash flow
SUZ-ShEMcontrol and protection system solenoid stepper drive
SCSPsupercritical steam parameters
TP thermal power
TPP thermal power plant
HPSheat and power station
CFB circulating fluidized bed
CDScyclone dust separator
PEpower engineering
NSGP nuclear steam-generating plant
LTIFR lost time injury frequency rate

Terms used in the Report

LTIFR — lost time injury frequency rate

Aspect – a topic that describes one of Company's activity areas or its impact on stakeholders.

Nuclear power – the power industry that uses nuclear energy to generate electricity and heating power.

FR – a fast-breeder reactor in which sodium is the coolant used for the first and second circuits while water and steam are used for the third circuit.

FNLR – a currently designed Russia’s project for fast neutron lead coolant reactors, with double loop for heat removal to the turbine and with supercritical steam parameters.

Engagement of personnel – an emotional and intellectual state that motivates employees to do their job efficiently.

Senior management (top management) – – Company employees who adopt decisions having a significant effect on the Company’s activities as a whole (from the functional directors’ level up to the CEO).

Combined revenue – a total revenue of the companies in the combined accounting profile in accordance with a company approved procedure, net of revenue from intragroup turnover.

Boiler island – a system product (part of TPP) including a boiler plant and various types of auxiliary equipment.

Local employees/managers – employees who live permanently on the territory where the employer enterprise operates whom the Company did not hire from other regions and for whom the Company did not arrange any activities to provide housing.

AFCF – AFCF – a key performance indicator for operations of Rosatom State Corporation; a cash flow from the core activities adjusted for non-monetary income and expenses. Characterizes the current efficiency of operations based on cash flows and defines the amount of equity that can be spent on investment.

Stakeholder (interested party) – an individual, group of individuals or an organization that is under the influence of and/or can influence the company.

Significant (substantial) operating regions – regions in which an enterprise’s production facilities and key personnel are located.

Material aspect – an aspect reflecting a significant impact on stakeholders or assessment by them.

Turbine island (turbine plant) – a system product (one of the key components of a power plant) where electricity generating units are located such as electric generators and rotating engines (turbines, diesel engines) as well as the related auxiliary equipment, including pump equipment.

Nuclear island – a system product (part of the NPP) that includes the reactor unit, security system, reactor unit monitoring and control system (RUMCS), the refueling zone and the hermetical area.